The ADD Foundation International Inc., (ADDFII) is an international, non-governmental, non-profit, philanthropic, and duly-registered foundation.
It delivers several philantrophic works and numerous free humanitarian services as assistance from the Philippines to some parts of the world. Many of its beneficiaries are indigent, bedridden, elderly, homeless, orphaned, abandoned, and disadvantaged individuals of different nationalities and religious affiliations.
With the continuous help from ADD Foundation’s management together with dedicated volunteers, donors and partner organizations, our charity works keep on spreading, growing and bearing fruits.
A. Vision
Uphold love for God and service to fellowmen for a just and humane society.
B. Mission
Provide timely and quality assistance by means of free humanitarian services for the spiritual, health, and socio-economic upliftment to fellowmen worldwide.
C. Purposes
ADD Foundation’s existence is defined by the following purposes:
1. To operate, maintain, and supervise pursuant to existing laws, any/all charitable associations or organizations that it shall put up anywhere in the Philippines or outside its territory, subject to laws of the country where it may be established, including, but not limited to, their facilities such as orphanages, transient homes or hospices, and hospitals or clinics;
2. To coordinate with government and the social welfare agencies on projects which will benefit the poor and the needy, whether within or outside the Philippines;
3. To provide legal assistance and moral reformation program to inmates in municipal, city or national penitentiaries;
4. To organize assistance program, legal and/or financial, to needy overseas workers and their dependents;
5. To provide free public medical and dental assistance in cooperation with medical or dental associations and pharmaceutical companies willing to give gratuitous medicines or professional services on medical and dental missions in urban areas in Metro Manila and in the provinces nationwide; and whenever possible to encourage and coordinate with any group or association of professionals, especially the legal profession, to render also their services free to the public during such medical and dental missions;
6. To give commendations or awards for assistance or services rendered by any individual, organization, association or government agency to the Foundation’s advocacy of charity and social justice.
D. Beneficiaries
Majority of the Foundation’s beneficiaries are indigent, bedridden, elderly, homeless, orphaned, abandoned, and disadvantaged individuals. It is the mission of the Foundation to help provide these individuals to have and enjoy normal lives in the face of their seemingly hopeless situations.
In order to do this, the ADD Foundation has consistently executed action plans that include providing life-changing supports to them. Despite the insurmountable tasks, with the help from God and our benefactors, we continuously deliver our commitment to fellowmen.
E. Board of Trustees
ADDFII’s corporate powers and properties are controlled by the Board of Trustees whose term of office is for one year until their successors are duly qualified and elected.